Paretoprincipen . är en empirisk regel enligt vilken 20 procent av orsakerna står för 80 procent av verkan. Principen kallas ibland även 80/20-regeln. Regeln kommer från Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) som visade att ca 20 procent av den italienska befolkningen innehade ca 80 procent av egendomen. Denna observation har av andra senare generaliserats och tillämpats inom en rad andra områden och även om de faktiska siffrorna inte alltid råkar bli exakt 80/20 så talar man ändå om principen som sådan för att illustrera att en minoritet av orsaker står för en majoritet av verkan i någon mening.
Kurserna inom elektronikmiljö du inte får missa, 25-26 april
Missa inte årets stora utbildningshändelse inom elektronikmiljö! Idag öppnar Electronic Environment portarna till exklusiva heldagsutbildningar och workshops inom högaktuella teknikområden – parallellt med S.E.E. Boka in ditt deltagande på på plats till kurserna inom EMC, ESD och Internet of Things och ta del av fem mycket erfarna kursledares kompetens och erfarenheter. Det här är ett utbildningstillfälle du inte skall missa!
The Ten Commandments for EMC, part 6
One of the most important . measures to achieve good EMC characteristics is to bond all metallic (conducting) structures together with many wide connections. Connect metal to metal by as large area as possible, with good surface conductivity. These joined parts form a conductive equipotential structure, that act as a reference plane or ground for all electrical and electronic circuit in its vicinity. In practice, the apparatus body and the metal casing, forms this reference plane. In most cases, the ground planes in PCBs must also be connected to the reference plane to achieve the desired EMC properties.
Internet of Things: an IT Security Nightmare
Offprint from strategic outlook 7 . .Internet of Things (IoT) is the collective name given to products that contain electronics that have some form of connection to other systems, usually via the Internet. The number of cyberattacks involving IoT devices has increased in recent years. This, combined with a deteriorating security situation, presents a looming risk of major and wider cyberattacks in which IoT devices will be central. Sweden’s national security and system of total defence are built to a great extent on the resilience of critical societal functions. Many of these have Internet-connected systems that are partially based on IoT products, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks. These systems are clear targets for antagonists. To reduce the risk of serious cyberattacks capable of disrupting critical societal functions, Sweden should have a clear strategy on cybersecurity. Sweden should also take an active role in efforts to increase cybersecurity in commercial IoT products.
A survey of the existence of GPS interference in Europe
Introduction . The European Union (EU) Horizon2020 project Standardisation of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Threat Reporting and Receiver Testing through International Knowledge Exchange, Experimentation and Exploitation (STRIKE3) is a new European initiative to support the increasing use of GNSS within safety, security, governmental and regulated applications. One of the objectives of STRIKE3 is the deployment and operation of an international GNSS interference monitoring network to capture the scale and dynamics of the problem, and to work with international GNSS partners to develop, negotiate, promote and implement standards for threat reporting and receiver testing. Both standards are missing across all civil application domains and are considered a barrier to the wider adoption and success of GNSS in the higher value markets.
Information från svenska IEEE EMC (mars 2018)
Ett nytt år har dragit igång . med en rivstart. Mer än två månader har gått och tiden har bara försvunnit. Tyvärr på annat än föreningsengagemang, men hoppas på ändring när våren nu närmar sig. Styrelsen kommer inom kort ha en avstämning, jag hoppas att årets mötesplanering klarnar något sedan.
Ögat på: EMC från bricka till bricka, del 21
EMC & SKÄRMNING . DEL 4: Diverse metoder för EMC-tätning. EMC måste tas om hand i alla delar, såväl på elektrisk som på mekanisk systemnivå, och på alla nivåer i en utrustning på ett systematisk och planerat sätt. Denna gång tittar vi närmare på hur man åstadkommer EMI-tät omslutning.
Massiv är trenden
I takt med utvecklingen . mot nästa generations trådlösa system, 5G, så har begreppet ”massiv” blivit ledordet. Ordet används som samlingsnamn för att beteckna den massiva ökning av antalet trådlöst uppkopplade enheter som det nya skiftet kommer att innebära. En massiv ökad mängd trådlösa enheter ska bana väg för exempelvis massiv maskin-till-maskin kommunikation och ett massivt Internet of Things (IoT).
Troubleshooting EMI (Part I, Emission Problems)
Some simple hints . for identifying and fixing EMI troubles. This article covers the essential aspects of a domain which is seldom addressed in current EMC litterature: «What to do when an equipment – or a whole system – is failing the tests or experiencing Interference (EMI) problems ?». Whatever we are dealing with a prototype at the end of its development phase, failing one or several EMC tests, or an already installed equipment that exhibit on-site problems, we face a situation that must be solved quickly, with an equipment that cannot be deeply modified.
EMC Challenges for Wireless Communications in Security & Safety Applications
The use of wireless . technology is increasing rapidly in critical societal functions such as energy production, transport, logistics, banking and financial systems, and industrial and security applications – this despite the fact that civilian consumer wireless technology in general is very sensitive to both unintentional and intentional interference signals. Therefore Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) issues are highly important to address. Hitherto only military actors have been able to utilize or take advantage of this sensitivity effectively, but this ability is now spreading to civilian actors, thanks to sophisticated jamming equipment which is now sold openly and inexpensively via the Internet.