EMC in Product Development (Part 2)

Setting the EMC requirements . This article is a part of a series of texts that will deal with the EMC challenge in terms of project management and the practical EMC activities at different stages in the project flow. Different companies all have their own way of describing their project flow, so to keep it simple we will use the labels as given in Figure 1. We can call it a generic project flow. The picture only describes the basic outline of the work packages. These articles will describe the actual practical work we want to do in the project to “make EMC work” in a time- and cost-efficient way. Each part of our series will fill in the details for each part piece by piece.

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Troubleshooting EMI (Part II, Susceptibility Problems)

Some simple hints . for identifying and fixing EMI troubles. This second part of our EMI Troubleshooting guidelines is devoted to investigation and cure of EMI susceptibility problems. Since, according to our former article (Ref.1) conducted tests are faster and easier to perform, we will concentrate on these and avoid more complex and expensive radiated susceptibility test set-ups. The first half of this article will address the situation where the equipment at stake is still in the plant or lab, at the end of its development phase or in an early stage of production. The second half will cover the more difficult cases where the faultly equipment is already in service, installed at some customer site.

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EMC och Artificiell Intelligens

Artificiell Intelligens (AI) är ett samlingsbegrepp inom vetenskap och teknikutveckling där man försöker göra maskiner lika intelligenta som människor. Området har de senaste åren blivit mycket hett och stora möjligheter förutspås inom framtida produkter med AI-tillämpningar. Det är intressant att fundera på vad AI-applikationer kan leda till för EMC-utmaningar.

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Using PoE networks to power IoT smart infrastructure for commercial buildings

Communications networks using Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology can now deliver electrical power, as well as transmit communications signals, over standard low-voltage Ethernet cabling to various endpoints, including LED lighting, HVAC controls, cameras and other networked devices, in new or existing commercial buildings. Giovanni Frezza, Group Product Manager for Network Connected Solutions at Molex, reviews PoE technology and standards, discussing how it can power smart lighting and building automation systems, and the benefits these can deliver for building operators and occupants.

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EMC in Product Development (Part 1)

What is the electromagnetic environment? The EMC part of the prestudy .
This article is a part of a series of texts that will deal with the EMC challenge in terms of project management and the practical EMC activities at different stages in the project flow.

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Ögat på: EMC från bricka till bricka, del 22

DEL 5: Diverse metoder för EMC-tätning . (Fortsättning). EMC måste tas om hand i alla delar, såväl på elektrisk som på mekanisk systemnivå, och på alla nivåer i en utrustning på ett systematisk och planerat sätt. Denna gång tittar på bl annat skärmning medelst vågledardämning.

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Paretoprincipen och EMC

Paretoprincipen . är en empirisk regel enligt vilken 20 procent av orsakerna står för 80 procent av verkan. Principen kallas ibland även 80/20-regeln. Regeln kommer från Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) som visade att ca 20 procent av den italienska befolkningen innehade ca 80 procent av egendomen. Denna observation har av andra senare generaliserats och tillämpats inom en rad andra områden och även om de faktiska siffrorna inte alltid råkar bli exakt 80/20 så talar man ändå om principen som sådan för att illustrera att en minoritet av orsaker står för en majoritet av verkan i någon mening.

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Kurserna inom elektronikmiljö du inte får missa, 25-26 april

Missa inte årets stora utbildningshändelse inom elektronikmiljö! Idag öppnar Electronic Environment portarna till exklusiva heldagsutbildningar och workshops inom högaktuella teknikområden – parallellt med S.E.E. Boka in ditt deltagande på på plats till kurserna inom EMC, ESD och Internet of Things och ta del av fem mycket erfarna kursledares kompetens och erfarenheter. Det här är ett utbildningstillfälle du inte skall missa!

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The Ten Commandments for EMC, part 6

One of the most important . measures to achieve good EMC characteristics is to bond all metallic (conducting) structures together with many wide connections. Connect metal to metal by as large area as possible, with good surface conductivity. These joined parts form a conductive equipotential structure, that act as a reference plane or ground for all electrical and electronic circuit in its vicinity. In practice, the apparatus body and the metal casing, forms this reference plane. In most cases, the ground planes in PCBs must also be connected to the reference plane to achieve the desired EMC properties.

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