FOI is establishing a facility . for destructive HPM testing and is developing an envisaged test methodology for such tests. The methodology consists of two test phases: (1) Determine the lowest power density required to destroy an object within a frequency range, using a reverberation chamber. (2) At this frequency, determine the most sensitive direction of attack using an HPM generator. A reverberation chamber and an HPM-generator adequate for such tests are presented together with early results from destructive testing of electronic systems in a reverberation chamber.
Accelerated Life Testing – Classic or CALT
Accelerated life testing . is a valuable tool for determining or improving the quality of primarily electronic, electromechanical and mechanical systems and components.
EM-Simulations of Electrical Vehicles Built of Lightweight Materials
Crosstalk between cables . and radiated emission from cables to antennas with the focus on vehicle applications has been investigated. In particular, the effect of using lightweight materials instead of metal in the vehicle chassis has been studied. Computer simulations of this were done in CST, and in the conclusion cable placement depending on material selection is discussed.
Vehicle development – an EMC challenge
Let us take . a look in the rear view mirror and see the technology used in the first Volvo S80 introduced back in 1998. What has happened in society the last 10 to 15 years that has influenced the development of the vehicle’s electrical system? How has Volvo Cars adapted to the new demands from customers and society?
Regulatory battery requirements on an unregulated market
As a producer . of battery driven products you need to be aware of battery related risks, liability responsibilities, regulatory requirements and applicable standards. Today advanced batteries such as lithium ion batteries are being introduced in traction, industrial and medical markets besides the automotive segment.